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- 2-Person Best Ball
- Blind Draw
- Calcutta Tournament Explained
- Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)
- Horse Race
- Signup Policy
$5 entry; everyone plays their own ball and scores normally. This is a team scoring event – while each player keeps track of their own score, the TEAM score for that hole will be the best net score.
Example: Hole 9 (handicap hole #12 for the course, meaning it is the 12th hardest hole by rating)
Bob (handicap 8) scores a 4. He does not get a stroke on this hole so he nets a 4.
Lou (handicap 15) also scores a 4. He does get a stroke on this hole since his handicap is 15, so he nets a 3.
= The team score on this hole would be a 3.
Prize payout will be to the top team(s) with the best net score.
$5 entry; everyone plays their own ball and scores normally. Tournament Committee will randomly pair 2 people together to build teams before scoring. Then scores are calculated and the top team(s) will be awarded prize money.
Winner: Team 8 – Joe with Net Score 68 Bill with Net Score 69 Team Total = 137
2nd Place: Team 5 – Patty with Net Score 70 Joan with Net Score 69 Team Total = 139
Here is a very brief and simple to understand explanation of the Calcutta Tournament:
4-person teams are formed with equal (or very close) combined team handicap.
For example: 40 players signed up to play, 10 teams will be formed to the closest team handicap (With our club, 82 has been the average team handicap in the past).
With these 10 teams, on Friday Auction Night, every team will be auctioned off to members (or a group of members and guests). The winning bidder of a team is the owner of this team much like an owner of a race horse. All money collected from the auction are pooled and stay with the club until the outcome of the tournament on Sunday, on which day (at the post game dinner) the pooled money will be rewarded to the owners of the winning teams ( Traditionally we pay 4 places 1st, 2nd , 3rd 4th).
In the past, total money collected from the auction is around $10,000 (again, in the past, this year may be less or more). The owner/s of the winning team/s is handsomely rewarded.
Again, you don’t have to be playing in the Calcutta to attend the Auction night, and you can bid to own a team or join in with others to buy a team even if you are only playing in the regular (non- Calcutta) tournament. The auction night dinner is free for all 2011 members but you have to let us know you are attending just so we have a good head count for the Riverway restaurant.
By the way, to be fair to the owner/s of your team, you are required to purchase a minimum of 5% of the winning bid: If I pay $500 to buy a team, all 4 players of this team I bought are required to pay me $25 each so each player would own 5% of his/her team (The reason is obvious). You may buy up to 10% or more if the owner agrees.
This is the nutshell of the Calcutta. Again, at the auction night, details can be further explained. So show up at the auction – dinner is free – what have you got to lose other then tempted to buy a team and lose the money you paid for it if it didn’t come in for you.
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Equitable Stroke Control (ESC)
Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) is the downward adjustment of individual hole scores for handicap purposes in order to make Handicap Factors more representative of a player’s potential scoring ability. It sets a maximum number that a golfer can post on any hole depending on the player’s Course Handicap.
The Royal Canadian Golf Association (operating as Golf Canada) has announced a notable change to the Canadian methodology for calculating a golf handicap as it relates to Equitable Stroke Control (ESC).
The RCGA Handicap & Course Rating Committee recently approved a change to the long-standing Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) method, bringing the Canadian methodology into equivalency with current ESC calculations employed by the United States Golf Association (USGA).
The new Canadian methodology for Equitable Stroke Control will go into effect March 1, 2012 to coincide with the release of the 2012-2015 version of the Handicap Manual. For more information please visit the RCGA website.
$5 bet per team; similar to horse racing at the PNE – Tournament Committee pairs 2 person teams based on requests at sign up. All teams are published ahead of the tournament and all members can place money on which team they feel will have the best combined low net (as per above). Betting is done either before (via email) or on tournament day (sign in table). Payout is dependent on # of bets on that winning team and total pot.
We are finding that the numerous changes and requests that are being submitted AFTER THE SIGN-UP CUT OFF PERIOD are causing a lot of problems for your tournament committee to try and accommodate them at the last minute. We want to take this opportunity to remind you of the proper procedures that all members are asked to follow as this will be the process we will adhere to going forward.
The process is as follows:
STEP 1: Approximately 2 weeks before each tournament a sign-up sheet will be sent to the membership. The sheet has been revised to include a box for a Power Cart and a “Special Requests†column. The CUT-OFF FOR SIGN UP AND REQUESTS WILL BE STATED ON THIS SHEET.
STEP 2: Complete the Power Cart section. You must indicate Yes or No. **If this box is left blank then it will be assumed that you do NOT require a power cart.
STEP 3: Complete the Special Requests section if you would like to request an early or late tee time, carpool request (eg. Be close to someone), or any other request such as specific playing partners.
STEP 4: Reply with your requests (if any) to the tournament committee BY THE SPECIFIED CUT-OFF DATE (typically one week before the tournament).
- The tournament committee always has to inform the booked course how many players will be playing. If there is an odd number (such as 42 or 43 players), then we would have an open spot (or two) so there may be flexibility to add a player later in the week.
- The committee will try its hardest to accommodate the requests that have been submitted by the specified cut-off date and the tee times with indexes will usually be distributed to the membership by Wednesday mid-day or evening.
- PLEASE NOTE THAT NO OTHER REQUESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE AFTER THE DEADLINE PASSES. If you need to make a change or adjust something, once the tee time sheet is issued then it is up to the member to make his or her own arrangements with other member(s) should a change be needed. Do not come back to the Tournament Committee and ask for further changes.
- Example: You decide that you want to ride a power cart but didn’t put the request in. When you see the tee time sheet published – call/email the person that you want to ask and see if he/she wants to ride!!
- We ask for two things:
- Make sure that any recommended change in your foursome (or other foursome) is OK’d by the other players too – there may be consequences for them … they may be playing in a match play and therefore, cannot be split up.
- Inform the VCGC Executive of the change, as we will keep the master tee sheet for the pro shop. If you need to cancel after cut-off – we understand that emergencies or injuries happen; we will try our best to fill the spot – however, if the club commits the # of players to the course, then we may be required to pay this amount and we’ll have to collect from the member.
Remember, the committee positions are 100% volunteer positions and your tournament committee works full time. We simply do not have the capacity to make changes and alterations all week leading up to the tournament day.