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Here are downloadable versions of each year’s member guide – including the tournament schedule, prize structure, and handicap scoring information.

2020 Tournament Notes:

Men tee off white tees and women off red tees (Generally). KP’s on all Par 3’s for the entire field.

VCGC will adopt the new 2019 “Maximum Score” rule to cap a player’s maximum number of strokes per hole at double par + 1 Example: Maximum stroke on a Par 3 is 7, on a Par 4 is 9, a Par 5 is 11.

The VCGC Handicap committee reserves the right to adjust a member’s playing index if deemed necessary. We like to keep all competitions within each flight as fair and equitable as possible. Playerlink members will have their handicaps lowered by 1 stroke for our tournaments until the online system catches up with the WHS.

All members should understand that if you sign up to play a tournament, you show up rain or shine. The club will not be able to bear the cost of “no shows”. All green fees are the responsibility of the player. If you do need to cancel out, please give the Tournament Committee plenty of notice. If your spot cannot be cancelled, you’ll have to bear the cost of the green fee.

2020 World Handicap System

As everyone knows by now, the WHS is in place in Canada this year (See above link for details). For most clubs it’s not an issue if all members have an “official” handicap from Golf Canada or the USGA therein the systems amend and bring up to date all the WHS criteria. Our club exceptionally has allowed some members to maintain their handicaps with an online system called “Playerlink” which at this point has not adopted the new WHS and that will bring forth considerable inconsistency and inequality between the 2 systems. Hopefully the Playerlink system will eventually adopt the same WHS criteria but for now it hasn’t.

We know quite a few of our members have already switched over from Playerlink to Golf Canada but the majority of Playerlink members have not, we’re hoping more will follow. For those members who are not considering switching over (there is a small annual fee charged by Golf Canada), the club has decided to still allow these members to participate and compete in our tournaments but some form of adjustment has to be in place to maintain a level of consistency in order to rectify the inequality.

After some research and comparisons between the 2 systems (to make a long explanation short), we found that the new WHS compared to the old system which the Playerlink site still employs lowers a player’s handicap by anywhere from ½ to 1½ strokes, in some cases there’s no change at all, it all depending on the golf course’s ratings and the player’s total average 10 scores after cut down to 8 for calculation, a complicated exercise I might add.

Bottom line – we’ve decided in order to maintain fairness and equality in our tournaments, all members keeping their handicaps on the Playerlink site will have to have their handicap lowered by 1 stroke in all our tournaments. What it means is that in some tournaments you might lose out by 1 stroke and other tournaments you might be advantaged by 1 stroke since we can’t really calculate the discrepancy from one tournament to another – not possible for anyone to spend the time and effort to do. If you will switch over  to Golf Canada to maintain an official handicap please let us know so we can track your index from there.

2019 Tournament Notes:

Reminder to read the new rule changes from the Membership > 2019 Rule Changes section.

  • We are also adopting the new maximum strokes per hole for all tournaments as “Double Par plus 1”. Therefore maximum strokes taken on a par 3 is 7, par 4 is 9 and par 5 is 11.

2017 Tournament Notes:

**Note that green fees and start times are for reference only and are subject to change**

Tournament Notes: Men tee off whites and women off reds. KPs on all par 3 for entire field.

The VCGC Handicap committee reserves the right to adjust a member playing index if deemed necessary. We like to keep all competitions within each flight as fair and equitable as possible.

All members should understand that if you sign up to play a tournament, you show up rain or shine. The club will not be able to bear the cost of no shows. All green fees are the responsibility of the player. If you do need to cancel out, please give the Tournament Committee plenty of notice. If your spot cannot be cancelled, youll have to bear the cost of the green fee.